151: Baby, Its Cold Outside!

This week ,my beans decided I needed a hair cut.  They call it ‘grooming’ but itis really just a haircut… I don’t have my nails painted or anything beautifying.

“So?”  I hear you comment.

So, I’d like to have seen you going out this week without your coat on.  It’s been rather chilly (or bl***y freezing un human bean language).  Beans are wearing coats, scarves, hats and gloves.   I’m wearing  …. very little.

Someone ring the RSPCA.  Let them know of the latest cruelty and humiliation heaped on me.  I’m sure I must be owed damages or compensation - at the very least, a nice red coat.

I like red!  (Is that stereotypical for dogs?   It’s a warm colour.)

I need warmth …. and better human beans who will look after me properly.

But I’ll settle for the coat … and a biscuit, of course.


152: They come, They Go


150: Car Shower