165: In Dignity

Regular readers will know that my beans - especially TOWTLH - heap (no pun intended) lot of indignities upon my person (or dogdom??).

The latest is to insert some form of solution into my ear and screw a rag into it.  Allegedly this is to clear up some form of infection - but scratching my ear with my rear leg (what mobility and dexterity!) seems to have just as good an effect in my humble opinion.

Human beans have too much faith in medication - and the medical profession in general.  My mum hated doctors (we call them vets); she thought a good lick from her would nearly alway solve a health problem. Pills and potions were unnecessary; likely to cause as much harm as good.

So, humans. Leave me alone to get better in my own way - in my own time.


166: No Coat


164: National Pride