187: I spoke too soon

Last week, I had a trauma-free week  - recalled in last week’s blog post, where I also

suggested that disaster was possibly around the corner.

Well, so it has come to pass.   

Yesterday (Friday), my beans bundled me into the car boot at lunchtime and set off on a long journey.  (I had my suspicions when I realised that they had put me in my bed inside the boot and I was surrounded by various items - cases and boxes.  There was also a third human bean in the car (I could hear a third voice - and it wasn’t the radio).  I recognised the voice as belonging to a friend of my beans - Candy.

So, where were we going?

When would we get there?

When would I be fed?

It turns out that the journey ended a couple of hours later in a place evidently called C-houses.  We seem to be staying in someone else’s house …. but it does have a garden and is about a 5-minute walk to the sea (well, a harbour actually).

I’ve now done this walk - and it is probably quite a pleasant walk, when the storm stops.

How long are we here for?

When will I get back to my own home?

When will I be fed?

I suppose I should be grateful that TOWTSH has brought me along for this holiday - not like the last time when he went away with the pup for almost a month.

What will the weather be like?

What will we do?

When will I be fed?

I will hopefully report back next week if I’m spared (as the great Terry Wogan used to say.)


188: Back Home


186: What, No Trauma