196: A Complaint

Regular readers of this blog will know that I am the most mild-mannered of dogs, certainly not a moaner or complainer.  However, occasionally something happens which offends, appals or intrigues me enough that I start to feel angry or upset.  

These occurrences can be ‘serious’ or ‘trivial’ so the nature and/or level of my response can seem justified or over the top.  

I have noticed lately that this is happening more often and is increasingly triggered by  television  programmes.  This might be because my beans have been quite ill over the new year period and have replaced their normal gay, social whirl with TV and Lemsip.

They have been watching  a series about the computer scandal at The Post Office whereby a significant number of people who run post offices were accused of cheating, fraudulent accounting or just plain stealing.      The series of programmes was about how these poor victims fought back against a corrupt organisation (The Post Office) who regularly lied to them and frustrated their efforts to clear themselves.  

Quite why this resonated so strongly with me is a mystery except that I don’t like bullying and intimidation of ‘little people’ by the rich and powerful.

But what could I do?  Dogs don’t have the vote so we don’t have an MP to write to. Similarly, I can’t really write to a newspaper.  (I can, however, comment, that campaigning newspapers and journalists seemed to come very late to the Post Office party - where were they earlier when the little people needed someone to help them fight the dragon.)

The only other thing I could think of was this - to use this blog and my loyal readers. 

If you didn’t watch the series, watch it on demand as soon as you can. You will, I am sure, become as angry as I am.  Then do whatever you do when you are angry - but make it constructive. There is little time to provide justice for the victims of the scandal, but we could perhaps find ways of punishing those who let it happen, brushing aside evidence that something was wrong. 

I’ll let  you think about what a suitable punishment might be.


197: Poor Old Man


195: Merry Christmas