155: Remembering Popcorn

Last week I told you of a doggy visitor we keep having - an excitable, young cockapoo called Popcorn - or Poppers, or poppy, or, more often, “No, Poppy!”.

Well, Popcorn - or Poppers, or poppy, or “No, Poppy!” - seems to be no more. I have not seen her in several days.

Do you think she is dead?

I hope the fact that I spoke ill of her last week has not upset her, made her self-harm or worse.

The mental well-being of dogs can be fragile.   You should not mess with it.  I should not mess with it.  I feel terrible.  I could be at fault for the death of a fellow dog.  What will other dogs say?  Ot do?

I’d better be careful walking through the park for a few days until I find out whether news has spread- and how the dog world has reacted.

If you see me in the street call me by another name - how about Daphne?  I shall be incognito.


156: Not Again


154: Pedigree Matters