190: A Normal Life

Well, I may be back home after my adventure walk and my trip to in C-houses but life still hasn’t settled down.

In fact, I’ve rather forgotten what ‘normal’ is!

Over recent weekends, the streets were full of children wandering the streets in strange costumes  (at least I think they were children - dressed as ghosts, skeletons, ghouls, witches and other creatures evidently collectively dubbed ‘spooky’) and full of people throwing flaming and banging sticks


Who knows why human beans do what they do.  I guess such events  are part of some traditional, pagan ritual but they could be simple, modern traditions peddled by commercial interests.  TOWTSH moaned about one being an American invention and import - but, then again, he moans about most things.

The good news is that:

I have not been to the vet

I have not been to the dog groomer.

My meals have been on time.

I have been to the park every day.

So, , contrary to my earlier assertion, it does seem that things are settling down to an approximation of the ‘old normal’.

I must learn to be thankful for small mercies - though small mercies are not edible.


191: Calm after the Storm


189: Adventure Time