246 : What About Me (Yet Again)

This has been a special week (for some),  Santa has been and brought presents for those children (and many adults) who have been good over the last year. 

I must have been quite bad (more of that later) because I received one present … ONE!!!

Santa was clearly making a point and trying to teach me a lesson but I just keep recounting the number of times one of the family has said to me “Good Girl” when I did something they wanted me to do or, of course, did not do something they didn’t want me to do.   

How, then, has Santa judged me as only worthy of a single present … ONE!! 

How is a girl to know the terms and conditions that apply to the judging - what are the criteria for being judged ‘good?

Or is Santa just making arbitrary judgements with no real evidence.  If so, we should know and we should start to judge Santa himself somewhat differently.  From what I have heard, he seems to have been carrying out his little ‘game’ for years - centuries even.  Perhaps this arbitrary decision-making is due to his mental decline with (very) old age.   If so, he needs:

  • Help and support

  • Medical treatment.

I am concerned about his reindeer.  Perhaps he will start mistreating them - not deliberately but out of forgetfulness.

Further stages of decline might see him harming the children he visits.

I’m going to start a campaign to help support him.   (My ultimate aim, of course, is to hound him out of his job.   After all it is winter and they say that revenge is a dish best served cold.)

Of course in the short term I might be cutting my chances of increasing the number of presents I get but I’ll stick it my principles and play the long game.

Who’s in?  Who will join my campaign for a younger replacement - Santa2 or Santa junior.

Write your answers on a carrot and leave it outside number 9.


247: Humans are Flawed!


245: What About Me!