247: Humans are Flawed!

Human Beans seem to create a lot of fuss on one particular day soon after Christmas celebrating something they refer to as the New Year. It seems odd to me as every day begins a new year - in the sense that none of the following days has been seen before.

Assuming that January 1st is as good an arbitrary date on which to base the ‘official ‘new year, it still doesn’t seem a sensible thing to celebrate.  Why celebrate a date on which a consensus has been reached that it is important. Why celebrate the coming of the new year when it happens every year  …. the calendar moves on each day and sooner or later January 1st will arrive.

At least birthdays have some personal significance.

It just shows what I’ve always said. Human beans are strange creatures.  They get worried about unimportant things and they attach huge importance to trivial matters.

They have moved so far from their instincts and primal urges that I’m actually quite worried about them as a species.  Will they survive the rise of AI (artificial intelligence)? 

After all, throughout history, can you recall any species not succumbing to the control of a more intelligent species?


248: Where’s Chicken Licken when you need him?


246 : What About Me (Yet Again)